About the page

Write   For a start, this web page offers our visitors reading stories, articles, comments and positive thoughts, the so-called, truths of a higher consciousness. It includes the possibility for you to write your own life story, your own original creation, a poem, a fairy tale or maybe some other type of expression that you might like to share with us. It also allows you to actively participate in the discussion below a certain post.

   Writing your life story, traumatic event from your past or the truth about your current life situation is a healing process of itself. It brings our life circumstance into the open, into the light of the awareness. Here, in the light of consciousness, their influence on your life is collapsing.

   Writing a fairy tale or a poem will lead you into a world of imagination. In a world where everything is possible. In a world where miracles happen every day. A world where love and joy heal and unites. We left this place a long time ago and now we might just need to dig some of that child’s energy and take it into our daily life. Here is your chance. Use it, it is free.

   Sharing your stories can help others. If it is similar to their own they can contact you, share their own experiences with you, support you, etc. If it is a great, successful, happy ending story, they might take you as an example and get motivated for their own challenges, that awaits them in their life.

   By reading another person’s story, you can step into their lives, comfort them, give them advice, or just express sympathy towards them. You can send them some supportive, positive thoughts. Seeing that we are not alone in this world, is a stepping stone towards the knowledge that will give meaning to our life. When you help others, you help yourself. When you give, you receive.

Fill your heart   The second stage in the search for our life’s mission is to awaken our hearts and see what lies within. We might see a dream from our childhood which we didn’t pursue, due to our prejudices, mind rejections and the fear of being exposed. We swept them under the carpet and joined the majority. We will awaken our inner child. That unstoppable curious creature that still believes in miracles and sees the world in the colors of joy and love. We will awaken our dormant creative energy. We will allow ourselves to be happy, cheerful, open and creative.

   We will describe and become aware of the feelings that will be surfacing deep from within our subconsciousness, while we will dig in for the treasures that are hidden within us. We will face the fears and limitations that prevent us from living our life according to our deepest expectations and desires. We will talk about them, enlighten them and step by step surpass them. We will talk about the challenges and count our blessings when overcoming them. We will describe our success, celebrate together and encourage each other.

   The web page will be full of, so-called seeds; wise thoughts, the truths of higher consciousness. They will do the work on our subconscious level, even if we initially won’t understand their meaning. They will contribute to a higher level of consciousness, a different way of thinking, acting and being.

   We also have a plan to build rooms for group meditations in which we will be able to meditate together. We will direct our thoughts, our healing and loving energy to the parts of our lives, where we need more light, more clarity, and more strength. We can also direct it to others. To those who are sick, helpless and forgotten. And because there is a principle, that you reap what you sow, and what goes around, comes around, we will also be benefited in some special unique way.

   In the end, there will be our contact forms, where you will be able Give to receiveto send us your questions, opinions or suggestions. With your permission, we will post some of them and try to answer your questions as soon as possible and to the best of our abilities. We will accept your suggestions for opening new topics you might like to discuss.

   Since this page has no other sources of income, we are open for voluntary contributions. They will remain optional, according to individual capabilities, desires, and willingness. Our intent is to use it to maintain and develop this web page. Your willingness to give, express your openness to receive and your readiness to turn your life into a new direction. A direction supported with the greatest force in the universe. Supported by Love!

Donate   Donors who contribute more than 15$ will receive a magical, priceless gift. We will email you a very special message from a higher self, The sacred word from God, or The Essence invitation. For many of you, this might be a first time and a lifetime opportunity to associate with a higher self. A life-changing experience, to listen and to feel the serenity of the present moment, unconditional love and your eternal, timeless and spaceless nature.

   As an expression of gratitude, our donors will have the advantage when it comes to dealing with their cases. Names of those who contribute more than 5 $ will be (except for the person who chooses the opposite) written in a special section on the front page of this website. We`ll be needing your name, surname and the name of occupation you are currently involved with. If you are not satisfied with your occupation, then it is better to write down the desirable activity that you would like to do for a living. Forget your limitations and your fears. Feel it in your heart. We will post it in a dedicated place of our site. With the power of your faith and the faith of our visitors, it can be believed into an existence. You might prefer to have money or health, but once you start living according to your true nature, you can have it all. A miracle happens when we allow it. 

   In advance, we are thanking you for your contributions. They will be repaid in a form that’s best for you and your personal growth. Expect the unexpectable.

   God bless you.

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